Our Puppy Process

Many times we our asked how it works to get one of our amazing standard poodle puppies. Buying a puppy from a reputable breeder is different than you may be use to. This is for the benefit of you and the puppy to make sure you are adding the family member of your dreams, not a nightmare.

Step One
Fill out our Puppy Questionnaire. This is a great way for us to get to know you and what exactly you are looking for in your new puppy.

Step Two
You will receive our Puppy Brochure explaining more about out puppy process, our dogs, about us and a break down of everything you will be getting with your new puppy.

Step Three
After reviewing your Puppy Questionnaire we will set up a phone call to chat more.

Step Four
Next will will send you the info on placing your deposit for your future puppy and signing our puppy contract. After which you will be first to get notifications of breedings and litters.

Step Five
When puppies are 7 weeks old we do our temperament testing and 8 weeks we do structure evaluations. A couple days after 8 weeks we will schedule puppy picks. You will be in order of deposit made.
*Breeder and Service Dog Prospects have priority and those puppies are always chosen first.*

Step Six
Schedule your puppy pick up day! At 9 weeks old puppies will be ready to go to their new forever homes.
Final payment is due at or before puppy pick up day.